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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My only decent move of late is the one where I'm skating my laundry basket to the laundry room, line my wheel up with a big rock, go flying through the air, land square on my left hip, and smash up the $150 cell phone in my pocket. It's a pretty hot move but I wouldn't recommend trying it unless you're an expert.

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Iam glad you were here to add that inteligent comment. You have just made this thread worth the band width it is using. Thank you, so very much.

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i used to do noseslides and tail slides quite well, i landed a 540 flip once, and i ccould capser slide anythig, cuz its all i used to practice. i tried riding a huge hill once, and ended up in the ER with road rash and a broken arm. i also tried a boneless off a picnic table and rolled my ankle off the board ion the landing, and broke my ankle. lots of broken bones, very few tricks...

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I tried the whole dkateboarding thing a while ago and gave up. But I know a kid thats around my age that is just sick at skateboarding. He's already sponsered by like 3 different companys too. I am not sure all the moves that he can do but I know hes olied a 12 stair,kick flipped a 10 stair, and I know them aint even his best tricks. I know he can do a lot but I just aint sure what he can all do. All I know is that hes good.

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