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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there anyone on here that works for Tour hockey? What is the deal with them? It always seems like they are kind of underperforming. Are there any plans to make a big push now that Mission could become a bit weaker with Bauer running the show. Always seemed to me that Tour was just a step away from being really great.

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I personally dont think missions roller dept is going to become weaker. As for tour, skate wise I think they are up there with mission skates or people wouldn't even consider them. Go to big time tourneys it's not all mission skates if you look closely, sometimes predominantly tour (and vice versa). This is coming from a mission guy also. I think tour will continue how they have always been going.

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I would have to agree with flyweightphantom. I wouldn’t say that tour always seems like being one step away from great. When it comes down to it usually it is personnel preference between mission and tour with which one fits better, if you rather have the hummer or vanguard, etc. As for Tournaments and people wearing tour skates on the east coast they are very popular and I find at least one or two people on each team wearing Q’s. If you need any help with tour products your best bet would probably be pming tour17.

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Is there anyone on here that works for Tour hockey? What is the deal with them? It always seems like they are kind of underperforming. Are there any plans to make a big push now that Mission could become a bit weaker with Bauer running the show. Always seemed to me that Tour was just a step away from being really great.

Yes, there are people from Tour that visit here regularly.

What makes you think that the Mission product will slip with Bauer running the show?

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I would not be too concerned about Mission slipping. They will be just fine. If anything Bauer will assist the Roller division in making them stronger.

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