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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Stiffness

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I've been told that the top of the line skates, like the vapor xxxx and ccm u+ are too stiff, and won't ever break in, for lighter and / or less than full time skaters. I'm about 140 to 145 and usually am playing only once or twice a week. I like the lightness of the top skates, but am concerned about them really being right for me. Right now, I'm skating in vapor xxv's, and like them a lot, although they don't fit perfectly and I'm always looking around at other skates that might fit even better. I think the ccm vectors in a half size smaller than the bauer fit may fit me better, as might the graf 735, but its always hard for me to tell how skates are going to work without skating on them. If I was convinced the ccm u+ would work, I'd consider them, altough the price would still be an issue. Those skates are light! So, I'm interested in some advice on whether I should consider the really stiff skates. Thanks. Also, I'd be interested in knowing the comparative weights of the vector 08 and 06 skates to the vapor xxv's. I like the 06, but think they're probably a little heavier than the vapors.

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I can tell you that the easton carbon skates (1300c's and 1500's) were too stiff for me at 150lbs. and made my knees hurt. I did notice that while I lost alot of lateral mobility with the skates (width issues) I seemed to have more 'jump' in my straight line acceleration over my Graf's.

In the end, you might benefit from a high end skate, just not the top of the chart skate with all of its stiffness.


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Have the same issue.

Also, not just because i'm a light player (about 140-145), also because i have bony ankles.

So when the outer shells are too hard, and the ankle pockets are too hard, i have pain.

I would love to try out the One95, but at $600 I'm not gonna throw away that money just on a try out.

I had the Vapor XXV and at first the ankles and everything felt comfortable and then after a month of using them twice a week the ankle pockets broke down... that and for some reason the Vapors don't fit me right, my inside ankles were close to the eyelets while my outside ankles fit perfectly into the pockets.

I switched over to the Supreme Comp.

It has the outer nylon of the One55 so it has a more forgiving outer.

Add to that it has all the best features of the One75. Lining, out sole, and tongue.

It turns the One55 into a high end skate.

The supreme One55 or Supreme Comp may fit you well. And are both VERY comfortable.

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Have the same issue.

Also, not just because i'm a light player (about 140-145), also because i have bony ankles.

So when the outer shells are too hard, and the ankle pockets are too hard, i have pain.

I would love to try out the One95, but at $600 I'm not gonna throw away that money just on a try out.

I had the Vapor XXV and at first the ankles and everything felt comfortable and then after a month of using them twice a week the ankle pockets broke down... that and for some reason the Vapors don't fit me right, my inside ankles were close to the eyelets while my outside ankles fit perfectly into the pockets.

I switched over to the Supreme Comp.

It has the outer nylon of the One55 so it has a more forgiving outer.

Add to that it has all the best features of the One75. Lining, out sole, and tongue.

It turns the One55 into a high end skate.

The supreme One55 or Supreme Comp may fit you well. And are both VERY comfortable.

i can vouch for the supreme comps. most mid-level skates are stiff enough for us recreational players. i came from vapor xxii's which were a little wide in the heel for me. if that's your problem then going to the supreme series may remedy that. i personally cant see a huge difference in weight between the two, but if i were the choose then i would have to say the vapors were lighter.

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