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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey shop in Nashville or Indianapolis

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I live in Louisville and we don't have a real shop here (outside a weak pro shop in the arena)...I drove to Columbus, Ohio to The Hockey Stop and while it was much better than what we have here it was still not up to par with what I'm looking for. My wife and I are going to be taking a road trip to Indy or Nashville this weekend and I'd like to know if there is a nice shop in either of those cities.

Also, any one with any experience setting up a shop please contact me privately. I think Louisville has a growing hockey following and could almost support a real store if the two rinks in town would support it. My wife loves hockey and is in retail already so she may be able to get things up and going with my financial backing.


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I second IWSA (also known as Pan-Am plaza). It's in the lower level of a 2-rink facility downtown near the RCA Dome. I used to skate there every Sunday when I lived in Indiana. North of Indy a bit is Carmel Ice Skadium and they have a pro shop that's decently stocked, as well.




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Cool I'll head up there this weekend and I'll check it out...need some new gloves and other goodies...

Do they have their inventory online?

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