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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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re-covering gloves?

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I don't know how else to call this, but is it possible to get the portofino taken off your gloves and have it replaced in a different colour, or maybe even nylon? I know I can just spray paint them to change the colour, but the portofino "cover" is all ripped. If I had to buy new gloves I would probably go custom because the colours I need are quite hard to find in a decent glove. BTW, the gloves are HGT's, and the colours I need for the upcoming season are red and green.

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I don't know how else to call this, but is it possible to get the portofino taken off your gloves and have it replaced in a different colour, or maybe even nylon? I know I can just spray paint them to change the colour, but the portofino "cover" is all ripped. If I had to buy new gloves I would probably go custom because the colours I need are quite hard to find in a decent glove. BTW, the gloves are HGT's, and the colours I need for the upcoming season are red and green.

Honestly, with gloves as inexpensive as they are these days, I'd just say to get a new pair. It would cost you more in labor to "re-cover" the gloves than it would to buy new ones. Even repalming is becoming more and more obsolete.

Ten years ago, when you couldn't find a good pair of gloves for under US$100, and the best gloves were over $150, that might be something worth exploring, but not today.

Best bet is to find some Minnesota pro gloves, or see if your team will put together an order from one of the manufacturers.

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i dunno if they're still up there, but there were some minnesota pro return easton airs in nylon on ebay the other day

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the ones i seen on ebay were 14". there was also a black or very dark green nylon pair of 14" easton airs there too

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