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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-2009 All Star Thread

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ehh i dunno. I just think that since he plays such an unorthodox style, there's no pattern to his success. Like someone else said, hes a bit like hasek in that you don't know what hes going to do.

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ehh i dunno. I just think that since he plays such an unorthodox style, there's no pattern to his success. Like someone else said, hes a bit like hasek in that you don't know what hes going to do.

Never giving up on the play is a big part of it. The guys that play the blocking style never seem to know what to do when their positioning breaks down where the scramblers tend to keep fighting to the end of the play.

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Law, what are the rule changes for 2010 you're talking about? I heard something else mentioned about "tailored" goalie gear, but I didn't see anything on Google about it. Are they planning on dramatically downsizing goalie gear or something?

They're going to mandate that all core-body protection (eg. C/A & pants) be tailored to the actual size of the goalie. So if you're Ryan Miller with a 28" waist and tiny stick legs, no more XXL pants; for Giguere, no more 90-degree shoulders protruding six feet on either side of his ears. They will disallow ANY modification - you can only wear it the way you model it for Kay Whitmore. Big fines and suspensions for circumvention.

Miller may actually get better; Giguere will probably drop to about an .850 sv%, if that, which should finally bounce him out of the NHL.

Thomas is just... nuts. I have to admire the guy's athleticism and sheer drive, but he makes me extremely nervous. I think he'll probably give the Bruins another good but tumultuous year or two, which will be enough time to fully develop Rask.

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