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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft/Blade combos

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I have had an Easton Synergy II composite shaft (blue) laying new and unused for some time..I decided to put a blade in it and put in a Easton Sakic Elite..Dang..I think I've found my ideal setup...

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i still believe 2pc sticks are underrated, i use a tapered combo with a wood blade in a broken st shaft and love it, i plan to track down some synII's on sale this holiday season

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Hah, I suppose so. I had the same combo for a while; shaft was too boxy for me and the blade is kind of flimsy, but I can see how it would works really well for some people.

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Hah, I suppose so. I had the same combo for a while; shaft was too boxy for me and the blade is kind of flimsy, but I can see how it would works really well for some people.

I think it was the blade more than anything...I seem to really get a lot behind Sakic blades as opposed to others. Another stick I can get a lot off velocity via snap shot is the Torspo Surge 221 OPS. Very underrated stick.. I have two of them, but I have another I've never used because I dont like the blade curvature..

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