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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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elbow pad question

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im a little stumped - i have some newer rbk 9k elbow pads and they are fine - but something bothers me.

when im just screwing around in my skates and gloves i can stickhandle really well (or at least i think so) but as soon as i put on elbow pads i lose it.

i noticed alot of other guys i play with wear tiny little elbow pads - they look like these (you get the idea..)


and they seem to always be the ones that can stickhandle and make people look silly.

does anyone think it would be worth getting smaller elbow pads that allow more movement? is anyone else hanging on to 10 year old elbow pads because newer ones just aren't the same?

is this all just in my head?

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i think it can make a difference at first but you get used to it. i used to use tiny elbows and had good hands but after chipping peices from my elbows i bought a bulkier pair and although it took getting used to my hands are no worse than before

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Less bulk(not length) definitely helps. I like smaller(length) elbow pads(jofa 5044) and short cuff gloves but that really is just for comfort. I end up with some nice bruises but no biggie. I actually have some board burn right now. Just a redish-purple mark about 3.5" long, looks like a mix between a bruise and an "indian burn."

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Wear what you find comfortable and you won't have any problems. I wear Jofa 8025s, they're the most minimal pad with decent protection that I've found. I don't carry the puck much so it's not like I need a ton of protection.

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