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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Decision

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Looking to get some new skates - they will be my frist "higher end" stiffer skates (finally feel like I can actually make them work for me).

Went to my LHS and with the assistance of a very helpful store rep managed to try on just about everything they had. I managed to get my choices narrowed down to the One75 and XXV. However, there are still slight issues with both and wanted to know if it can be remedied.

One75 - Fit felt good except - except on my right foot on the outside around the metatarsal felt tight almost uncomfy.

- Will baking help this at all? Perhaps get the one spot punched?

XXV - Felt real good putting it on but then after about 5 min of walking around in them the bottom of my feet almost felt crampy - hard to described - almost like they were numbing.

- Will baking help this?

- Will superfeet help?

- Maybe just need to actually skate on them?

Thanks for the advice everyone (been lurking around here for a while and finally made the post plunge!)

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place!

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Sounds like the One75 is the better fit. If you're having arch issues with the XXV and there's another skate with a small hotspot, better to avoid the XXV than to get them and spend more money and time to potentially solve a problem.

The sides and tops of skates can be modified/altered to tweak the fit, the sole is pretty much rigid. If the sole doesn't fit Superfeet may or may not solve the problem.

That's not to say the One75 won't hurt like hell when you get on the ice, but it sounds like you and your shop know what you're doing.

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