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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic to Datsyuk?

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Has anyone made this transition? Was it very difficult? Im looking at trying the Datsyuk and was curious at adjustment time as many have stated its similarity to the Sakic. The main thing I am concerned about is the rocker and the overall lie.

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Right now I use the p88, which I love. But I've used the Sakic for the past 2-3 years, and have recently bought a Datsyuk blade because I've always been curious and wanted to use it. I thought it would be an easy transition, because I love higher lie mid curves, but something just didn't feel right about the Datsyuk with me. I tend to use the toe of my stick a lot, and found it kind of hard with the squarish toe, plus the blade just seems kind of tall and big. I figured it would be an easy transition, especially from a p88, but the Datsyuk just didn't feel right, but it could work for you, who knows, I'm just a big fan of a rounded toe and a nice rocker.

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