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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RM19 shaft issue

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So I've had my RM19 shaft for a while now and I've only used composite blades which fit fine (one90, RM9). However I can't seem to fit wood blades in there. It fits half way in and just won't go in anymore. I've tried with a Vapor xvi wood blade and an Easton Fibre Plus blade. They're too tight to fit. I've also read on here that this shaft is a bit thinner than most at the insertion point. My question is, are there any wood blades that are known to have a bit thinner tenon ? I'm talking millimeters. Maybe a Sherwood 950 ?

Just to clarify, it's a standard shaft and I've only tried standard blades. It's not a taper issue.

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I've thought about it. It would be relatively simple to just sand it down a bit. But first I'd like to know if there is actually a blade that would fit nicely to begin with.

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sorry no idea about a suitable blade but..

I had a similar problem fitting tapered blades into my tapered dolomite shaft (I guess the warrior shafts are more 'tapered'; anyone confirm?) ended up belt sanding both mission pro stock by atleast 1mm all the way around and dolo blades at both the narrow ends by about 0.5mm (they had little 'nibbs' at both ends from where the blade had been formed). mission blade are still solid after 6 months of use (dolo blade hasnt been used) so +1 for just sanding them to fit!

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I just don't understand what's up with this shaft ! I had put an Easton wood blade in it a while ago but then took it out to use on another shaft once. Today I tried putting the exact same blade in my RM19 shaft again... didn't fit. Was too tight this time. I don't get it.

Anyways I guess I'm gonna simply get some sandpaper to slim down the tenons.

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Oh it definitely already expanded. I can see a lump all around the shaft right where the end of the tenon would be. Even when I tried to remove the original Easton wood blade, it was a damn hassle. I was just wondering if anyone else with a standard RM19 shaft also had troubles with wood blades.

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