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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Glove/Skate Dryer

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Is there anywhere to buy a decent sized glove dryer like the pro teams have? Ive seen these in pro rinks all over but ive never seen one for sale anywhere. If anyone has any experience making a glove/skate dryer for a whole team, please give me some ideas/tips, thanks.

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Try some type of sporting goods store like Bass Pro Shops or Cabelas. They sell all kinds of boots/gloves/waders drying machines.

MaxxDry XL at Cabelas

I have this one that I use for my hunting boots and gloves. It's got a timer on it and you can turn off the heat so it just blows room temperature air into the gloves/skates.

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Does anyone smell something burning?

no, not yet lol, but I didnt think of PVC hot melt. If anyone has any pics of homeade ones that have worked well for them, as far as airflow, i would be interested. Right now im drawing it up to figure out what would be the best configuration for 10-12 ports as far as compactness and equal drying. Good thing i have some formal training as an engineer

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Some good info here, I was thinking of replacing a basement landing wire rack with plastic pipe hooked to a blower so will steal some of these ideas. Is there any advantage to white pvc pipe and glue instead of using black abs....I did a cottage washroom with black pipe and was going to use that. Is the pvc more rigid? I have the Shock Doctor ionizer blower that goes with sons bag as an air source.

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Posted · Hidden by JR Boucicaut, May 18, 2012 - Spam
Hidden by JR Boucicaut, May 18, 2012 - Spam

Hey dw91

J-tek manufacturing in Guelph makes one of the best portable skate / glove dryers available. Check out their website www.jtekmanufacturing.com

MegaBlast dryers are lighter, more compact and much more efficient as they introduce air deep into the skate cavity. where it drys from the inside outwards, unlike other units that simply try to push air into a dead end space.

MegaBlast dryers are used in the NHL, AHL, ECHL, IIHf, NCAA, CIS etc

Check out the website.

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