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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4 roll to XXXX

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I currently have Bauer SDP Pro 4 Rolls (the older model) in a 13" and I was looking to get a pair of Vapor XXXX's for those who have made the switch which size in the XXXX's did you get?

I've tried on the 13" and the palm felt good but the fingers might be a bit short and just the opposite of for the 14"....

Thanks for any suggestions

How much gap do you usually leave between the tips of your fingers and the tips of the gloves?

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How much gap do you usually leave between the tips of your fingers and the tips of the gloves?

Assuming you're done growing, you shouldn't have much if any.

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I had the same problem as you. I have 13" 4-Rolls that fit perfectly and 14" XXXX that have a little room in the fingers, but fit fine IMO. So far, I've been doing good going between both gloves so I'd say go for the 14" XXXX. I hated the feeling of the tight fingers in the 13" XXXX...

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