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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can i find these old nike skates

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Id like to grab a pair in size 12d just to have and maybe wear in drop in or something..im sure my one90s will be a little bit better for competitive hockey lol

Anyone know where i can find them? and what about those gloves i always thought they were pretty cool but i cant find those anywhere either

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the skates, just look around on ebay and possibly if you have connections with anyone who works in a big time hockey store, or a store that can get connected with such. as for the gloves, i am not sure on this seeing as i am a goalie, i heard that they were custom made for federov so i doubt there are many like his out there.

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alright thanks, the gloves i used to have a pair back in pee wee's i had them in black/silver... so i doubt those red/white are custom.

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try peranis 1-800-744-3338. your going to have to ask for someone who would know if they have them. i know they had some old nike airs at their summer clearence sale. they may even have the gloves your looking for.

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those would work if he was looking for his kid. he said he needed 12D

yep, and it will also work if anybody puts any 12s up as well. It's got a search string built into the URL so it filters out all the skate shoes and dunks and all that garbage.

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