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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9k Problems

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I just got a pair of 9k's and only wore them about 10-12 times. I noticed the other day that on the left boot the liner was ripping near the top. I called RBK and they said it was clearly a defect, but i just wanted to know what you guys though. Is the lining in the new boot just poor quality? I talked to them about putting in the old liner, but they wouldn't do it because it wouldn't be warrantied.

I thought about just skipping the warranty issue,2-3 weeks using my old skates :(, and taking them to a shoesmith to get reinforced but then i thought about the pump and the issues that would cause.

Also, i pump them anywhere from 15-20 times. Is this normal? i was scared i'd break the pump.

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Same exact thing... you are talking about them like splitting a little bit at the top of the boot? like where it turns to go down towards the eyelets? right?

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