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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the differents between the oakley aviator pro and the aviator modified pro ?

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Which is better for me ? i need a good visor for my rbk 6k helmet . hs22 vs. oakley aviator ... and aviator or modified ?

need antifog !!! and the best protection half shield without problems ( primary the antifog !! ) ... the natural aviator better about the antifog preferences ? help me!

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As far as the Oakleys go, they should have the same anti-fog coating. As long as the cut out of the aviator pro, or the lower edge of the modified aviator, is level or above your nostrils you shouldn't really have to worry about fog. Then again, it depends on how big your face is or how you like to wear your visor. I do believe that the aviator pro is bigger than the modified aviator so you should get more coverage with the aviator pro. I'm sure that you could wear either and if you run into fog issues you can tilt either visor up to give yourself clearance.

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Check out pictures of Nikolai Kulemin (RBK helmet with the Oakley Pro Aviator) and the Sedin twins (RBK helmet with the Oakley Pro Modified Aviator).

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i have the hs22 , very solid lens. i took a major slash to it the other night and i didn't even feel it. it got carved right in front of my left eye though but at least it saved my sight. no matter how i place it ion my helmet (nbh 5500) , fogging is an issue. i use Elite spray and it works wonders.

hope this helps you decide.

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