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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates to tight

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Hey guys,

I got a new pair of XVI's last week and when i tried them on they felt great, so i picked them up. Later in the day i went for a public skate and they really hurt my feet. So i went and got them molded. Had a practice the next day and they still really hurt my "FEET". Its like there not wide anough(bottem of the skate). I cant bring them back becose i already used them.

What should i do?


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I believe the Vapor series from NBH runs slimmer than many other companies. Maybe you can sell your Vapors and give something like the RBK 5k a try on, much wider in the forefront (heel too though).

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I believe the Vapor series from NBH runs slimmer than many other companies. Maybe you can sell your Vapors and give something like the RBK 5k a try on, much wider in the forefront (heel too though).

that's right... So depending how & where exactly they hurt they might never work for you simply because they don't fit...

I had similar issues with XXXX - felt ok initially, but turned out to be too narrow & didn't have enough volume - no matter what I tried including baking them twice they never felt good so I ended up selling them.

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I believe the Vapor series from NBH runs slimmer than many other companies. Maybe you can sell your Vapors and give something like the RBK 5k a try on, much wider in the forefront (heel too though).

Thats what i had before (4k's), really liked them but way to heavy. I think im just going to sell them for like 190 canadian. Got them for 225 with tax.

Thanks for thats guys! :)

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Any idea what you're going to buy once you sell the Vapors? Like some have suggested if you're looking for a high volume skate give the Nike Flexlites a once over, those might be the ones for you.

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make sure you are not buying skates in the morning or late afternoon/evening... your feet actually will get bigger as the day goes on from gravity taking its toll and actually spreading of the bones from supporting your weight... and you might be lucky enough to have your feet swell also...

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