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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories and Techniques of the Gear Whore

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Here's some photos i dug up in my stored folder... everytime I get a new stick and show it to the wife, I just say 'be thankful that my collection I have is not as large as this!"


Wow... It covers a whole wall of the basement... A lot of them still look new and unused.

Thanks for the digging.

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Get your wife/gf/bf to start playing, or start dating someone who does. We just nerd out over stuff together, and usually end up convincing each other that the other person HAS to buy X product. It also totally maxes out the time you can spend in a hockey store; no more feeling bad because she's standing there bored, if she's looking at stuff for her. Plus, it makes it more likely to get legit suprise hockey gifts that you'll use, instead of a gift card, or something that's the wrong specs.

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Get your wife/gf/bf to start playing, or start dating someone who does. We just nerd out over stuff together, and usually end up convincing each other that the other person HAS to buy X product. It also totally maxes out the time you can spend in a hockey store; no more feeling bad because she's standing there bored, if she's looking at stuff for her. Plus, it makes it more likely to get legit suprise hockey gifts that you'll use, instead of a gift card, or something that's the wrong specs.

Holy shit! That would be fucking awesome!

If it weren't for our two sons playing hockey now, I wouldn't be able to get hardly anything. I help coach both of their teams, so I have to "buy gear for coaching."

You are a lucky man!

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