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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shutout Athletic Cleaning Solutions

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I went into my LHS the other day and they had a huge display of Shutout Athletic Cleaning Solutions. They have everything from laundry detergent to body/hair wash. The manager of my LHS says the stuff is incredible at keeping odors and bacteria at bay. Has anybody had any experience with these products? Are they worth the price on the bottle?





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Reading the product description this stuff sounds a lot like the laundry soap, hand soap and shampoo that hunters use to eliminate human odors. I've recently started using a hunter's laundry soap with similar ingredients to this stuff (including the silver) to wash my hockey t-shirts, jocks and socks and I'm impressed with how much stench is removed.

It isn't perfect, but it is really close. With normal laundry detergent, the clothes still were a little smelly if you held them close to your face. With this detergent, there is only the slightest scent.

I'll have a look at the bottle and post the brand later.

It is Primos® Silver XP™ Laundry Detergent

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I've used SportSuds for many years with much success, and recently tried WIN detergent. I liked the scent of the WIN better than the SportSuds, but I think SportSuds worked just slightly better at eliminating the sweat odour.

I'd be interested in giving this a try, but the website doesn't indicate how many washloads can be expected per bottle.

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When I was in my LHS, I was told you just put a cap full into the load of laundry and it does the trick. I think a cap would be less than one ounce of liquid.


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The Primos stuff only takes 1/2 ounce or so in my HE washer. I like it better than a lot of the sport stuff because it purposely has no smell at all. That WIN stuff has too strong a scent for me.

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I've used the unscented Win for several months but I could never really tell if it was doing anything than the regular detergent that I use so I quit using it.

Today I picked up a bottle of the laundry detergent and the Hair & Body Wash. I used the Hair & Body Wash this evening. I have to say, a little H&B wash goes a long way. This stuff lathers up like crazy! I let is sit on my skin for a minute or two as directed. After I rinsed, I noticed it does leave the skin feeling nice and clean. The H&B wash doesn't have a scent to either. So far, thumbs up on Shutout Hair and Body Wash.


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I use the "green" version of WIN (comes in a white bottle) which has a slight fresh scent which I did like. SportSuds didn't have much of a scent but there is something.

Trialled WIN on a pair of shinpads and a smokey winter jacket this weekend, and it definitely didn't work as well as SportSuds for removing the core, underlying smells. WIN did okay on my UA stuff, but my jacket still smells smokey and my shinpads still smell stale sweatish.

I'll see about ordering some of this online as I didn't see any in the LHS. Thanks for the heads up!

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