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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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iron Ghost

Nintendo DS or DS Lite

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My wife is interested in this for the cooking game and the learn to speak French one. If anybody has one laying around that they would like to dump quick for cash I'd gladly purchase it for $50 shipped. I can't justify $90 - 130 but I can do $50. Also if you have either of the above mentioned games I'd be interested in them as well. Thanks!

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The only ones with a Buy It Now listing on eBay running around $54.99 before shipping are "as-is" or "for parts only" sales, defects. Considering you're in the U.S. I've always had good luck with EB Games as long as you have some stuff you can trade in for credit. Plus you'd save yourself the shipping cost. Other than that, the cheapest I found...


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Thanks! It looks like this system is still hot ??!!?? I thought that since it came out a while ago that it's value would be down slightly but I was wrong on that assumption. Really i'm just hoping that there is a (younger maybe) MSH member who is looking to dump his DS for $50 w/o ebay or just wanted some cash asap, etc.

I'm still interested in purchasing one if somebody is looking to dump one quick.

shoot me an email at chuckscott4@yahoo.com if you have something. Thanks!

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Let me check tonight. Pretty sure my little brother has a DS that's like 2 years old but he rarely used it. He won't even know it's gone...

I'll let you know tonight but I'm almost positive I've got one for you.

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