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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why don't more NHLers use wood blades?

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I'm not a physics prof... but why exactly would a "new wood" stick be better for a slap shot?

with golf, a graphite shaft (whip) will give you a longer drive than a traditional steel shaft.

would this not be the same in hockey?

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Wood - Constant flex

OPS - Concentrated flex plus stiff blade

The really abridged version:

Reason why OPS is popular is because the puck gets off the stick quicker which is needed when you don't have time to get off a shot. With a flexpoint and a stiff blade, it loads and snaps faster

A wood stick flexes all over, even the blade. More lag, however, more energy spooled

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