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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question

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I'm gonna get new skates here pretty soon. I'm deciding between the Mission 120 AG or 120 XP. I've got S500s right now and like them alot. I'm leaning toward the XP's but I'm worried they'll crease out. I have a friend who had a pair crease out on him. I've also had Vapor XXXs crease out on me. The AG's have a split throat and a flex dart, so I don't think that'd be a problem, but I think the XP's a better fit for my skating style. So I'd appreciate any advice.

Also, the guy at the LHS told me if your skates fit right, they won't crease out. Is that true? My vapors fit pretty well, but they're creasing out. I have trouble getting a perfect fit because my left foot is a half size bigger.

PS: Missions fit my foot by far better than any other brand, so its almost definately gonna be one of those two skates. The only other fit I like is Easton, but their durability is a huge turn-off.

Also, I pissed Mission is got bought out. :angry:

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Have you looked into the Mission AGX? Kind of a cross between the stiffness of the XP and the mobility of the AG. I've been skating in a pair for a while and have been very impressed with the fit and performance. Not really sure what you mean by creasing, but I am generally very easy on skates. Plus most retailers have them on clearance now for under $200.

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The AGX's are a possibility too.

Creasing for those that don't know is when the sides of the skate fold out. It forms in the top of the skate. When you lace up your skates tightly and/or you lean forward there will be a distinct crease or fold outwards noticable between skate eyelets. The more pronounced the crease gets, the poorer the skate performs.

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A skate will crease more quickly if it is too big. A skate may still crease if it fits correctly. This is usually a tell-tale sign that the skate is breaking/broken down and needs to be replaced, possibly by a stiffer skate.

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given enough wear, any skate will produce a flex point like the crease you are talking about. ive seen it in 9ks and vapor XXXX, it will happen in any boot. if you want a boot with more flex, i say go with the 120 ag. if you want a boot that is stiffer, go with the 120XP. pick whichever one fits the best and it will last the longest for you

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If you prefer the stiffness of the S500, get the AG. If you prefer the stiffness of the XXX, get the XP.

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