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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which 2 of these sticks would you pick?

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I am kind of torn as to which way to go with this.

Used Easton Cyclone 70 flex with new blade. $45 It looks to be in decent shape.


New NBH one55 woody 67 flex. $25

I want to try a composite shaft, but I am not totally sure if I want to spend an extra $20 on it. I play in the lowest beer league in the area. I play forward and weigh in at 145lbs. Not too strong in the upper body.

What would you do?

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I had a couple Cyclones.

Honestly, despite them being a lower model, they are great sticks.

Light, good feel. But they are quite narrow, pretty rounded shaft shape.

If you like the shape, then id say its a much better investment. Will last you alot longer than a woodie with those shafts going soft.

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My ex's dad was a beerleaguer, he was going through wood sticks pretty fast, just blowing them out in the bottom part of the shaft. He started converting OPS he'd grab from the trash and is now convinced composite is the better buy for durability's sake, wood blades on closeout are a lot cheaper than the wood sticks he was burning through.

You may be different though. I know a couple guys who use a few wood sticks per year, where as I can't stand the feel of a wood blade after it's been used a few times and I'd be going through a wood stick each week or two.

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