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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Step blades pitch corrected profile

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Step adverstises their blades as having a "pitch corrected profile." Does this mean their pitch is different from stock blades? Specifically, I don't really like the foreward pitch of the Graf Cobra set up, and am wondering if the pitch on Step replacement blades might be different. I'm not convinced the Cobra steel is that great anyway. On the other hand, I've also got some CCM skates that I really like the blade pitch on, and wouldn't want that to be changed on replacement blades. Also, as a related matter, does the radius of the Step replacement blade match the original blade? I understand the Cobra has an 11 foot radius and the CCM has a 10 foot radius. Again, I like the CCM blade over the Cobra.

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I use the pitch velocity steel on my one90's. They profile is a little different (better) than the stock LS2 steel I was using before. As far as pitch goes. I would say that it is about the same as the Tuuks. Maybe just a hair more forward. The main difference in the steel versus the Tuuks is that the steel is a bit taller and the heel doesn't taper off as much, so you end up with a little more blade on the ice. I love mine personally.

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