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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey, I know there are alot of Photoshop threads already but they all ask for help editing pictures. I'm just looking for anyone who knows if there is a training video that I can download. I want to start using Photoshop because it seems really interesting to me but it just seems like there is to much to do and I don't even know where to start. Does anyone know of any "How-to" videos out there? I tried to find some but I'm not really having any luck. Thanks!

PS. Even something I can read would be good, it doesn't have to be a video.

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Being a graphic designer, I can tell you that your best bet would probably be purchasing a book with tutorials in it.

When I was in college we had to buy books for our classes, like most schools, and they had cd's in them with tutorials and the book would show you how you could go about doing whatever it was that the lesson was about.

What you'll also learn along the way is that there's usually a couple ways of going about doing whatever it is that you'll be trying to do. Some are harder than others but you'll get to the same spot.

Just keep messing around with it and the books and tutorials whether online or in print will help you out a lot.

Good luck.

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