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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX vs. CCM U+

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Vapor XXXX by far in a retail boot. U+ heel is wide volume, similar to the older Tacks.

But if you go custom, any boot can be made to the volume of your foot.

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Vapor XXXX by far in a retail boot. U+ heel is wide volume, similar to the older Tacks.

But if you go custom, any boot can be made to the volume of your foot.

The XXXX would be narrower in the heel than the One95 correct?

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The XXXX would be narrower in the heel than the One95 correct?

no - other way around

in fact in One95 you can make the heel pretty much as small as needed by compressing the boot after baking

One95 also has good heel lock, unlike 40s

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The XXXX would be narrower in the heel than the One95 correct?

no - other way around

in fact in One95 you can make the heel pretty much as small as needed by compressing the boot after baking

One95 also has good heel lock, unlike 40s

The One95's are a little deeper than the XXXX's though correct?

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