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Bauer 9500 Helmet Complaint

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Bauer must have stuck their head somewhere when they came up with the concept for the chin cup on the 9500 helmet. The chin cup isn't the problem, it's the attachment method. Why the hell did they decide to go with a cheesy plastic strap and some cheap plastic rivets for attachment? On top of that their quality control must have gone to hell, because on the one I bought the chin cup was installed upside down. I ended up removing the chin cup strap from my old 8500, and putting it on the new one. When you buy a helmet that costs this much, you expect it to be quality from top to bottom. The old method with the velcro strap was much more adjustable, and was a better quality item.

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guess its just better for people who wear visors :P

although i dont own a 9500 they are pretty nice, i wear a 4500.

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guess its just better for people who wear visors :P

Haha let's not start that argument...again. As for the fit of the 9500, I assume it's a bit narrower, for more oval shaped heads?

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I tried on a couple of helmets, including the 9500 in large and XL as well. For whatever reason, top end NBH helmets squeeze the hell out of the sides of my head and give me headaches within minutes even when opened all the way. Finally tried on an RBK 8k in XL and it felt like a glove. Somehow the kid at the LHS managed to fit the 9500 wire cage on it and I was sold! Good stuff. :D

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RBK 8K vs. NBH 9500 in terms of fitment is totally opposite of each other

My head is more of a rounded head and it fits the 8K, S17 and 4500 helmet better

But I opted for the 9500, liked the look of it, it hurt a couple times at first, but now it somehow formed to my head (especially the sides) and I have no complaints!

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It just seems a bit strange when they release a helmet like the 9500, which is supposed to be an upgrade on the 8500 and then don't incude one of the the best and unique features of the 8500, sliders that adjust the width of the helmet.

Oh well , least the 8500 is back for 2009.

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guess its just better for people who wear visors :P

Haha let's not start that argument...again. As for the fit of the 9500, I assume it's a bit narrower, for more oval shaped heads?

You are correct. My head is oval shaped and never found a helmet that fit without wobbling. Wore the Bauer 8000, which had the side slider adjusters. Just received my 9000 last week and it fits my oval dome great (no wobbline).

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