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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle support + skate baking?

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Feet: Low arch (aka duck feet) = lots of ankle support needed

I own a pair of Graf 735's which were purchased last year. When I initially got them they were baked but me being the smart guy I am loosely tightened them thinking that it would allow the padding inside to be "full" thus allowing more ankle support.

Was I wrong in doing so? Should I rebake them and lace the skates very tight? I'll be wearing socks when I skate but perhaps I should bake them in barefoot?

They already come with a set of Graf inserts


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Rebake them wearing what ever you would wear while you play. Lase them as you would when you play. Try to replicate how you would wear them while you play.

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the advice above is definitely solid, so there's not much to add except stressing out one thing - do not over tighten the skates during molding process - not only you can pull or at least bend some eyelets out, but you'd get a wrong mold as well - the foam might compress excessively, and then leave some room when you later lace normally - this could lead to blisters etc

also there's been tons of topics on the same subject so search would help.

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