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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is likely a very stupid question regarding laces

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In our locker room before a game a few weeks ago, one of the guys said that yellow waxed laces are the best because they either coat them twice, or what they use on them is different to the white/black laces.

I found this to be very odd, but now I am back from christmas vacation and need new laces, so I was thinking I would check here with anyone who knows, before I buy.

I have standard white waxed laces on at the minute. Is there a difference in the wax used on yellow laces, or do I have a crazy team mate (I know I do, but do I have a crazy one regarding this?)

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ive recently noticed, gorilla wax laces seem to have the most wax on them judging by feel. I havent used them yet but i want to give them a try... seeing as my one90s are completely broken in(after half a season plus a month of good practice) and i need damn good laces to keep my skate stiff enough.

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He is crazy. It depends on the brand of the laces, not the color of the laces.

Exactly. I've been using yellow waxed laces for 10+ years and some have better wax, some shred easier, some tips fall apart real quick, some are thicker, etc etc etc, same thing with white or black laces, they all vary depending on the brand you get. I've never really paid much attention to what brand I bought, I'd usually just take whatever the LHS had on hand... my latest pair seems 50% thicker than my last pair and has more wax than I've ever seen on a pair of laces, they took a bit of effort just to get them through the eyelets which is something I've never had a problem with, after a few uses they've broken in and are now performing great, I'll have to go back and find out what brand they are and pick up an extra set.

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I just picked up some Graf White waxed laces from FrontRow in BFLO and to be honest they don't seem very waxed at all compared to some yellow waxed I picked up in Rockville a while ago, so yes I agree it depends on brand

By the way is every person in Wash DC planning on rockin yellow laces with the big long pants rope and smoked visors? Your all Ovie groupies

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I just picked up some Graf White waxed laces from FrontRow in BFLO and to be honest they don't seem very waxed at all compared to some yellow waxed I picked up in Rockville a while ago, so yes I agree it depends on brand

By the way is every person in Wash DC planning on rockin yellow laces with the big long pants rope and smoked visors? Your all Ovie groupies

I have white laces and a cage.

I need new laces and want to get the best type. I suck to much to be any kind of groupie :lol:

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I just picked up some Graf White waxed laces from FrontRow in BFLO and to be honest they don't seem very waxed at all compared to some yellow waxed I picked up in Rockville a while ago, so yes I agree it depends on brand

By the way is every person in Wash DC planning on rockin yellow laces with the big long pants rope and smoked visors? Your all Ovie groupies

I have white laces and a cage.

I need new laces and want to get the best type. I suck to much to be any kind of groupie :lol:

Bravo! :lol:

I've tried Bauer(white), A&R(wax and heavy wax in both white and yellow), and graf(w&y). Still have yet to try RbK waxed. IMO the best so far are graf as the laces are just the right diameter/thickness and wax consistency. The bauers are a little thinner/narrower. A&R regular wax don't hold their wax long enough for me and heavy wax left residue on my fingers.

So FWIW it's the maker not the color.

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I'm no expert, but in my experience, the graf yellows always seemed the most waxed. I'm not sure I've seen graf white thought; maybe it's the same.

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Judging by the inconsistent responses in here as far as what brand has better wax I'm also going to suggest that perhaps it also varies within brands. Maybe one batch of Bauers or Grafs has more wax then the next batch or vice-versa, could be manufacturing inconsistencies at play... just a theory.

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Have you considered trying to re-wax your old laces? All you would really need is some unscented white wax and something to melt the wax in that you could drop the laces in to soak up some wax. Just don't use anything that you could potentially ruin to melt the wax in. You can always buy new laces if the experiment doesn't work. I'm actually going to do this to my laces in the next couple days so I can report back on how successful it is.

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Rbk waxed IMO has less wax than most. I have tried several, and Currently use the RBK. I Remember when I put them on I had to double check teh wrapper to make sure they were waxed.

But they work for me. Have not had them on all too long so I can not talk about durability yet

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