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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk goalie masks

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I see RBK just started making goalie masks apparently - does anyone know if they are any good? Are any nhler's actually using them yet? Are they actually made by RBK or just marked by RBK?


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Eveyone in the NHL wears a Protechsport tagged by RBK. Protechsport makes custom masks for RBK, sorta like how Pro's Choice makes the Bauer ones. No one at that level uses those monstrosities.

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We got in the RBK masks just before xmas. The 3k would be fine for kids, not adults. The 7K is actually a nice mask and compares in quality/construction to other brand masks in that price range. One feature I like is the easily adjustable chin cup. They seem to be attractive to buyers. I suggest you find one to look at, in person they are pretty cool. The Pro model is the 9K, very different from the 7k. I'm not sure who is making it.

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I saw the 7k on a website that said the shell was the same as the 3k, high impact ballistic Lexan. I tried to confirm it but the RBK site didn't describe the materials used for the 3/7k models, only the 9k. I wish the 7k had a better shell, I can get a discount because my younger son plays for an RBK sponsored inline travel team.

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I saw the 7k on a website that said the shell was the same as the 3k, high impact ballistic Lexan. I tried to confirm it but the RBK site didn't describe the materials used for the 3/7k models, only the 9k. I wish the 7k had a better shell, I can get a discount because my younger son plays for an RBK sponsored inline travel team.

No, the 7k shell is definitely different. The 7k mask weighs 3/4 lb more than the 3k, it's certainly beefier and to me looks like molded fiberglass. I'll see if I can find out more about construction.

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