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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Coolest Jerseys out there

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This is quite an old thread, but I had to post this uniform I just found somewhere, it's a team called SC Langnau Tigers from Switzerland. Quite a different uniform I must say.


That uni just doesn't look right without a tail.

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Does anyone know the name of the team wearing the red bull jerseys? I'd love to get one of those jerseys (the red bull one, not the tiger one haha).

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This is quite an old thread, but I had to post this uniform I just found somewhere, it's a team called SC Langnau Tigers from Switzerland. Quite a different uniform I must say.


That uni just doesn't look right without a tail.

They're missing their gloves

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This is quite an old thread, but I had to post this uniform I just found somewhere, it's a team called SC Langnau Tigers from Switzerland. Quite a different uniform I must say.


That uni just doesn't look right without a tail.

They're missing their gloves

EWWW! You don't mix tiger stripes and leopard spots after Labor Day!

Sean Avery would be pissed at you! :lol:

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Here's a jersey i made a crest for.

Found the old logo for a Pacific Hockey League team from the 70's - the San Francisco Shamrocks.

made my own logo out of tackle twill and sewed it on a blank green jersey i had.


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