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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hands hurting when tying skates!

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- 1 for waxed laces. I used wax laces for about a year, because I liked the tightness. I couldn't figure out why my hands hurt. The wax makes them so stiff, that they almost paper cut my hands. Any slight slip while lacing would cause them to cut or burn my hands. I switched to standard non-waxed laces and the problem went away immediately. As a side note, I found that non waxed laces adjust on my foot better, evening out the pressure across the entire skate instead of specific pressure points. I will never go back to waxed.

Different brands of waxed laces have different amounts of wax. I had a no name brand that was really stiff and abrasive on the skin. I now use Grafs. My hands can't tell the difference, and there's no need to tighten once and then tighten again after the laces retract when I move to the next set of eyelets.


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