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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinking of trying a girdle, any sugestions

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I use to wear the ccm tacks, but they have done away with them and its been hard to find a pair of pants that i like. I like a snug fit rather than the baggy fit. I have heard that the Tackla 4000 girdles fit well. Before i spent the money I was hopeing to get some input on the subject. Thanks guys.

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no , i havent had a chance to try any on. my local pro shop doesnt have much of a selection, so its gonna be a crap shoot to order them , and then return them if i dont like them. its a real pain

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There are a number of topics on girdles that contain a number of opinions as well as some good information. The search function should help you locate those topics. Fit is going to depend on your body and how you want the gear to feel. The Tackla may or may not fit you, but the durability is not good on their girdles.

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