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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK sickick prostock (niskanen)

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I just picked up a Niskanen prostock sickick and this stick is unbelievable...it definately does not feel like any other stick I have tried. I am shooting pucks harder than I have ever been able to with any consistancy. Is there anyone out there that can shed some light on what exactly this stick is or what makes it so different from a retail sickkick?

It has a sticker that says "V8.9" towards the top and is labeled as a 7V* above the nameplate. on the back of the shaft near the blade there is a stamped code of "5 - 56?8 - 1" (? is a smudged/faded #, possibly an 8)

Is this a stick that I can find again in another ccm/rbk prostock (or even any other brand)...or are there any retail offerings similar??? thanks for the help as I would love to find many more of a stick that performs better than anything I have tried before.

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I believe the 8.9 is a 8.0(v130) with the 10.0 blade. But we've never been 100% sure about that because of all the variations.

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