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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate question

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Hi , The other day I noticed that on the inner right toe of my one75s the outer layer is peeling off revealing the under layer, does anyone know if this is just cosmetic or is it something more serious? Thanks.


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Stay away from the boards! Seriously, not much you can do I have them all over my One90s. These spots are caused by abrasion from almost anything. They are specially common in that part of the skate.

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You could coat it with some kind of protective material. We have long used a 2 part glue like Araldite on inline skates and inline goalie gear to protect equipment on wear spots.

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Normal wear for One75's I think. I have them on both sides of both skates. I saw a picture of someone elses One75's the other day and they had them as well. I wouldn't be too worried about it, unless you start to get a lot of wear there. My old Vapor's were almost all the way worn down in those same spots.

Good call on the black laces. I got black ones in my One75's too.

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You could coat it with some kind of protective material. We have long used a 2 part glue like Araldite on inline skates and inline goalie gear to protect equipment on wear spots.

Protectoe clear. I swear by it

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