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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Help

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So i currently use the older model 5k's. but now, the toe cap is getting torn apart. So i was thinking about CONSIDERING getting new skates. So i have a few questions.

Is there any way i can repair a toe cap if it starts to fall apart?

if i need new skates, what skates have a similar fit (other than the newer reeboks)?

I also need a somewhat stiff skate, but not to stiff. A friend recommended the vapor 25s, but i kind of like the S15s. And by the way, it would be best if the skates were around $300

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Elaborate on how the toe-cap is getting torn up. Is the stitching where it connects to the boot ripped up? Is the toe box separating from the out sole? The more info provided, the more help you'll receive. In terms of S-15's, I'd personally stay away. Durability issues galore.

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if the reeboks treated you well i would stay in them. if they gave you a problem, or feel that improvements can be made, then make a switch. otherwise a good upgrade for you would be the 7K.

since the second gen. S15's came out, i have not seen a warranty return.

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if the reeboks treated you well i would stay in them. if they gave you a problem, or feel that improvements can be made, then make a switch. otherwise a good upgrade for you would be the 7K.

since the second gen. S15's came out, i have not seen a warranty return.

Are the ones on hockeymonkey.com the 2nd gen.? is the fit much different fro, reeboks

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i would hope the ones on monkey are second gen ones. The only way to tell really is to hold them and you can see the different materials and such.

the heel on the S15s is very narrow, compared to the reebok which is really wide so that most people need the pump.

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so ive madew up my mind on the skates, but how narrow are the vapor series and what size would i wear since i was a 6.0 in my 5k pumps and nike/bauer says their skates are 1 size smaller than your us shoe size and i wear a size 7.5 shoe????

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so ive madew up my mind on the skates, but how narrow are the vapor series and what size would i wear since i was a 6.0 in my 5k pumps and nike/bauer says their skates are 1 size smaller than your us shoe size and i wear a size 7.5 shoe????

No way we can tell you what size skate you should wear. We can take a guess, but that's all it will ever be. You really should try them on if you can.

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