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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mirror Ideas

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I have to make a mirror in woods class this semester, and I wanted to make it something hockey related, maybe football related. I just can't think of anything. We are supposed to have a few ideas by Tuesday, and I have none. Should be original too. He has a book of a bunch of old ones, and we can't use any of them. Thanks in advance.

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That actually was the one idea I had that was hockey related, but I couldn't think of a way to make it look like a rink, other than the shape. I can't paint the lines and stuff on it, so I prolly won't do that.

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Maybe I'm way off here because i am not 100% sure of what is required but I do have some Ideas if I am on the right track

NHL Logo,

Team Logo

Player Cut out

I'm assumeing you could make the outline with wood and cut the Mirror to shape.

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Wow. I am retarded. I didn't even think of the NHL Shield. That's probably what I'm gonna use, but if anyone else has a good idea, keep posting because I need a few different ideas.

Thanks Eazy.

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