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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NYR@Chicago 1/16/09

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i'm admittedly a rangers fan, so there's an amount of bias here. i also realize that the refs have a pretty tough job. but was this game completely blown by the refs? maybe someone on the blackhawks side can chime in here? i thought 80% of the penalties called in the game, including some of those called against chicago, were beyond weak. i'm starting to get really sick of this post-strike officiating. i say let them play!

i dont mean to insult the hawks... they're a crazy tough team to beat, but i think the officiating was almost a bigger hurdle for the rangers than the hawks were! did anyone record the chicago coverage of the game? i'd love to see what the chicago announcers had to say about the 19 or 20 penalties called in the game. i'd say at least 10 penalties called were nothing short of unacceptable. many of the rest were very questionable.

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