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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips on caring for gloves.

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I have some new TPS R6 gloves that I want to take real good care of because I love how they fit. What are some tips for keeping palms from wearing too fast? How do you guys dry your gloves to keep them feeling soft? I have thought about tossing some silica gel packs into them when I lay them out to dry. Is it possible to over-dry equipment to where it starts to feel stiff?

Right now I tape the butt of my stick with wide white cloth tape about 6 inches down with a small knob that I wrap a piece of shin guard tape over since my last gloves got a hole right where they rubbed against the knob, since some guys said they did in the thread about taping sticks. I'm thinking about grabbing some Tacki-Macs in hopes that they keep my palms looking new.

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The sock tape is always a safe bet. I use PowerFlex tape. ( http://www.hockeygiant.com/powhoctap.html ) After ice time I lay mine out to dry and put a dryer sheet inside to keep the sent fresh.

Might want to take a look at these -



I'm sure there are plenty more topics on it but I just did a quick search for 'glove care'. Take some time and use the search button.

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To prevent the stiffness you speak of after drying, do NOT dry your gloves using heat (hair dryer, space heater, hot summer day). The direct heat will stiffen the sweat rather than letting it air out in a cooler and less extreme environment. This will help keep your palms nice and soft.

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