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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-2009 San Jose Sharks Thread

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Did the Sharks peak too early, is it just due to injuries, or is it just a slump that all teams go through? Because they are definitely not looking like Stanley Cup contenders.

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Did the Sharks peak too early, is it just due to injuries, or is it just a slump that all teams go through? Because they are definitely not looking like Stanley Cup contenders.

They're pretty banged up right now and I think it's safe to say they're just playing to get healthy for the post season and to hang on to top seed in the west if they can. I think you'll see a different team come playoff time.

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I think you'll see the same old sharks come playoffs. Maybe an impressive 1st round win because of the excitement, but downs in the 2nd round.

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