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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat

Warrior dolomite 1 piece

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I chopped the blade off my dolomite at the fuse point, and I started to hollow it out so I could fit my tapered dolomite blade, but foolishly at the top of the shaft (the side that has the curve/flex/whatever information) near the opening I grinded all the way through, then it lightly cracked about 3/4" to the end, if I continue to hollow it out will this affect performance or cause it to break? Should I just stick it in the other end? If so, what can I use to fill in the excess space (tapered blade, other end is standard size, I can't get a standard blade because I used $50 on the blade).


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IMHO you would have to cut off the cracked part, so that it doesnt affect the shaft. You shouldnt have a problem with the tapered blade, if its a little loose you could put some tape over the tenon and then insert it that way.

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If he puts the tapered blade in the standard end you're going to need a whole roll of tape. Not to mention it will undoubtedly wiggle incessantly.

edit: But the tape should be perfect for the tapered side. I just thought you were referencing his question about putting the tapered into the standard.

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