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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wide shin pads

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I have Graf G70's and the tounge on the skate is very fat and bulky. I have trouble getting shin pads over the tounge and its usually uncomfortable. I was wondering what shin pads have the widest bottom on them? Or if i should get a whole different set of tounges for the skates?

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You could try taking a heat gun to your shin pads and warping the plastic to fit your needs. I know a couple members here have experimented with widening their shin pads for knee braces.

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Go with RBK'S, Missions and if you can still find some Franklins. All are very wide and you shouldn't have a lot of problems getting them over the Grafs.

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All the RBK's are pretty wide. I use the 6K's due to similar issues as yours (along with big calves) and have no issues at all with fit, and they offer outstanding protection.

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