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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you hanvet heard of it, its a website http://www.seatdata.com adn it shows pics of seats in alot of arenas anywyas you have to pay to see a descent pic, and i dont wanna pay 2 c 1 pic, im going to florida in december and i ahve tickets to a dolphins gmae so i was wondering if any1 ahs it so i cna see a pic thanx fro your help

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If you can't get an idea by looking at the free pics, then pay for it. The free pics are actually quite good.

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but i mena id like 2 c it bigger and i dont wanna pay $10 to see 1 pic thats why i was wondering if some1 here already ahs it casue u dont ahve to pay for each pic

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Besides, you already have tickets so it's not like you could do anything if you hated the view. Oh wait. Dolphins? In December? Disappointment's inevitable I'm afraid.

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By December you should be able to sit anywhere you want, I can't imagine much competition for seats for a 3-10 team.

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