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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xx gloves

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while browsing for a ops yesterday i took a look at the gloves since mine are getting near the end. i noticed they had a bunch of xx gloves which i thought were real nice. good fit and interesting palms. so when i go online, they are listed as '07s. bauer doesnt seem to make them anymore, at least gloves with that palm style. the xxv's are similar in price but a dont seem as nice. i searched for reviews and did not find any. anybody use these gloves?


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I had a the Bauer version and liked them a lot. I think they were $120 when they were a current glove. The palm was alright, pretty good for durability, though I'd rather have the fingers be a little more traditional than just having finger tip pads.

I would buy those over the current generation of Vapor gloves save the XXXX for sure. I did not like the XXV at all when I tried a pair on.

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I used the Vapor XXs for about half a season. I wasn't a huge fan of the snug fit, but I did like feel the stretch palm. No issues with protection and I really can't speak to the durability as I didn't use them for a long period of time. They are now sitting in my closet all alone in the dark.


Here are some reviews


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they're great gloves for durability and fit but not so much for feel because the the nash overlay is kind of bulky. just my 2 cents.

oh yeah, they need a little bit of breaking in too. you definitely have to warm up in them before they feel good. if possible, try and find a pair of vapor xxx's instead. i know they're pretty expensive still. at least in canada.

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The XV was a great glove for the money, similar to the XX but without the stretch palm. The Vapor XXX was similar in the fingers but had a wide cuff flair and thin single-layer palm.

The XXV is a downspec-ed XXXX, I preferred the old Vapor series gloves.

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they're great gloves for durability and fit but not so much for feel because the the nash overlay is kind of bulky. just my 2 cents.

oh yeah, they need a little bit of breaking in too. you definitely have to warm up in them before they feel good. if possible, try and find a pair of vapor xxx's instead. i know they're pretty expensive still. at least in canada.

I very much agree. Durability 9.5-10, Feel, 8-8.5. I have 3 pairs, 2 have seen at least 15-20 games by now and are still alive and kicking well.

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they're great gloves for durability and fit but not so much for feel because the the nash overlay is kind of bulky. just my 2 cents.

oh yeah, they need a little bit of breaking in too. you definitely have to warm up in them before they feel good. if possible, try and find a pair of vapor xxx's instead. i know they're pretty expensive still. at least in canada.

Vapor XXXs will feel different. Much looser as you go from fingers to wrist.

The newer line of Vapors fit closer to the XXs than the XXXs do as far as the cut goes, but I've found that they run a little smaller. I'm pretty perfect in 13" Vapor XXXs and XXs, but XXXXs and XXVs are a bit short in the fingers.

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