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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Skate Owners

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Hey, I just picked up a set of brand new Vapor XXXX skates, but did not get a box or any instructions with them.. I was wondering if anybody had their manual laying around that gave you the temp and time for baking the skates?

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175F for 3 minutes. Unless you take phoenixgold's advice :lol:.


yea, i saw that... wasnt sure if the 175 was just a recommendation, or real advice....

Hypothetically, the manufacturers may want to be on the safe side.

I'm currently overseas and don't have a skate bake oven. Bauer recommendation (on the sticker) is 3 mins at 175 F or 79 C. I did my custom XXXX and my custom One95s in some older guy's Graf oven that is pre-set to 85 Celsius (he didn't want to do one skate at a time but I insisted). The XXXXs didn't mold very well even though he forgot to put the timer while baking one of the skates and had it in the oven for about 5 mins till I told him it must be overheating.

I don't feel that my 95s are molded good enough. Yet, they're comfortable. Gonna re-do them once I get my own oven.

Anyway, there's much more to baking than just timing and temperature.

I remember baking a bunch of older Supremes 7000s for myself and friends at 175 F for & mins. Those molded real well compared to the above skate models.

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Personally I'm not convinced its the time or the temp settings really, I bake skates twice, with a few 10-20 minute sessions watching tv in between. The second baking really seems to help more than just cooking them longer or hotter.

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