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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swapping Holders

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I have recently started playing again after ten years and I have a question about holders. Before I stopped playing I was skating on Bauer Custom 4000s and I purchase a pair of Tacks 952s just before I stopped playing (don't even think I got to use them). Anyways since I got back into it I thought I would use the Tacks since they are basically brand new. I have to admit I am not feeling as comfortable of these as the Bauers. The boots feel comfortable, no real issues there, but I don't feel like I am digging into the ice as well and my skating just seems a bit off with these. So I was thinking maybe I would swap out the pro-lites which I know are pretty junky and either put tukk custom +'s in or maybe tuuk lightspeed 2's. I am not really familiar with the difference in holders (not a huge gear guru), so would this swap make a difference to bring me back to what i was used to and also what are the major differences that I would see between the three holders? Thanks guys.

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I have recently started playing again after ten years and I have a question about holders. Before I stopped playing I was skating on Bauer Custom 4000s and I purchase a pair of Tacks 952s just before I stopped playing (don't even think I got to use them). Anyways since I got back into it I thought I would use the Tacks since they are basically brand new. I have to admit I am not feeling as comfortable of these as the Bauers. The boots feel comfortable, no real issues there, but I don't feel like I am digging into the ice as well and my skating just seems a bit off with these. So I was thinking maybe I would swap out the pro-lites which I know are pretty junky and either put tukk custom +'s in or maybe tuuk lightspeed 2's. I am not really familiar with the difference in holders (not a huge gear guru), so would this swap make a difference to bring me back to what i was used to and also what are the major differences that I would see between the three holders? Thanks guys.

LS2 are more rigid and stiff and the heal is raised 3mm more than the Tuuk+, also the "holes" are slightly different in the LS2 compared to the Tuuk+, The LS2 has a simple nut and bolt system in the heel, where as the Tuuk+ has a nut and bolt sytem in the heel and the toe ( gets tricky changing runners ). I don't know much about ProLite. I think if you put the Tuuk+ in, you would "feel" better - like your old 4000's

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The holes don't line up, but there shouldn't be a problem unless one of the holes you need to drill interferes with an existing hole. Again though, more holes=less structural integrity of the outsole. You can have the original holes filled with epoxy to close them though.

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