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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing blade holders on Bauer Air 90s

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I'm getting back into ice hockey after a few years of not really playing. I've been playing inline so at least have been playing some sort of hockey.

I have a pair of Bauer Air 90s that are in good shape for being the age that they are, so will start playing again using these skates. My main concern

at this point (especially as I might start sharpening them myself) is not being able to replace the blades easily given the age. I am mostly clueless about

changing blades or bladeholders in more current skates, so I wanted to get some opinions.

The skates has a Tuuk Plus bladeholder on it. Would newer Tuuk holders have a similar hole pattern if I wanted to put something else on? Is the boot too

old to put something newer on, or do I just need to buy something of the proper length and then drill new holes for it? I'm not sure that the few local

places we have (inside rinks) do much with skates other than sell and sharpen so they may not be any help.

Are there good holders where you can replace just the steel and not the entire holder?

I just wasn't planning on getting new skates just yet, but if it ends up being the better thing to do then I can do it. Of course, I would then have to figure

out what a good pair of skates would be without getting top of the line.


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tuuk + is the same as tuuk custom +, which is still a popular holder. if it's not damaged, there's no reason to replace it. replacing the steel runner is kind of a pain with those, but it's not a reason to get new holders. if you need new steel, just get new steel. (remove the insole of your skate, and you'll see holes that allow access to nuts in the holder that hold the runners on. one in the heel and one in the toe)

if you want to change the holders too, you can order Easton or Pitch holders of the same size, and the holes will line up, but you'll have to find a shop with a rivet press to install them for you. the newer tuuk product (lightspeed and lightspeed 2) will not match up. they can be installed, but more holes will have to be drilled.

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Take out the insole you will see two plastic caps remove them and get a nice socket set like this - and use the extention and swivel and 8mm socket for the toe portion....its tricky and a little frustrating, but those Custom+ blades can be removed and replaced.


Custom+ holders have a differnt hole pattern than the newer LS and LS2 Tuuk holders

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I'm replacing the steel on my Custom+ holders. Is it better to have my LHS do it? I'm pretty handy, but I have never replaced steel on Tuuk holders. I don't want to risk any structural damage of my precious skates because these skates are no longer made.

Also, has anyone put StepSteel runners on Tuuk Custom+ holders? Any difference in terms of the difficulty in replacing the steel?

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