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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which is a wider skate?

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I have to buy the skate and bake it before I can determine if it will fit right? Ridiculous, I hand over $700 and I am not assured they will fit me...

Some shops (the ones better geared to establishing a relationship with the customer) will allow the customer to bake the skates if they are on the fence about how they fit. One bake will definitely change your mind on the fit of the U+, although it still might not fit you perfectly. Again not many shops will do this for you, but a couple users here on MSH have told us their stories about being allowed to bake and then decide.

What happens if it doesn't fit? Does the shop just swallow the cost of the skate?

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You can always bake them again

They probably just sell them at cost

I was on the edge about the u+

I loved them except for the fit around the heel, it felt like my heel was swimming

I may just end up getting one95's now, they seem to be very durable and they have a good heel lock

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You know I think the funny thing about all the complaints about the U+ heel fit is that I love mine, I love them and they are insanely loose in the heel; it doesn't matter because the boot is so well formed around the rest of my foot that it doesnt move at all, it's comfortable, snug, and I dont press against the back of the boot really anywhere.

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Ive had both the one90's and the U+.

My opinions are after being baked, and broken in. Both D width skates.

Overall the U+ is wider, throughout the foot. The one90 is much snugger. Its more form fitting then the U+.

The U+ I am having a problem with my heel lifting up no matter how tight I tie them. I have kinda skinny ankles. Trying to find a solution to this problem without having to buy another pair of skates. :(

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If you don't bake the U+ to try it on, it will never fit right. In fact, it will fit like crap. According to my LHS, it's designed to be baked and re-backed and it is recommended by CCM to bake the skate prior to even trying it on.

Despite that, my experience is that even when baked the heel seems very wide. I didn't try on the One95 so I really can't compare it to that. I ended up in Vapor 40's, moving out of Vector Pro's.

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I'm looking in to u+ skates and I don't think any LHS near me will let me bake before I buy so is it just not an option , or can I get kind of a "feel" of how they will fit unbaked.

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Yeah the U+ skates are meant to be baked or they don't fit right at all. It's a world difference once it's baked.

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If you have a skinny heel/ankle, go with the one95. If you have a normal sized heel and ankle go w the U+.

Make sure your heel isnt lifting with the U+. Thats my only issue with the skates. I'm trying to remedy that now.

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I agree the pencil thing is ridiculous but my LHS uses it and I laugh when he pulls out the pencil because there is no way a pencil has ever even came close to resting on top of my foot.

The "pencil test" (go ahead and search for it here) is a test for volume fit. If the pencil sits on your ankle (with the tongue pulled out) the quarters of the skate are too shallow, the tongue will arch over the foot, the fit will not be snug over the top of the foot, and problems like lace bite and arch fit can be more pronounced. A skate with proper volume will allow the pencil to float on the uppers of the skate, you will be able to comfortably tie the skate tighter, the tongue will help snug the top of your foot into the skate, you won't be as prone to lace bite, and the skate should "lock in" better overall.

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Im starting to notice it's harder to get my heel all the way back in my one75s and I am feeling some pain under the arch of my feet. The skates fit fine when I bought them I think it's just the fact that my body (including my feet) is still developing and I believe my feet are changing shapes a bit. Basiacly my feet are starting to become slightly more flat and my heel is getting fatter, do U+ sound like they could be an option after baking, they feel alright before baked.

Whew hope that makes some sense.

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I have the U+ and after reading this thread I went to my LHS to try on the one95 and the vapor 40's. I never considered buying either because I have always heard they are narrow. I have wide flat feet, I couldn't get the one95's on....at all, even unlaced the top three eyelets and still couldn't get them on. I did finally get the vapor 40's on after a little struggle and WOW, it felt like my feet were in jail, ouch! In my experiences the U+ are most definitley wider and deeper, just MY experiences though as I'm sure others are different...

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I have the U+ and after reading this thread I went to my LHS to try on the one95 and the vapor 40's. I never considered buying either because I have always heard they are narrow. I have wide flat feet, I couldn't get the one95's on....at all, even unlaced the top three eyelets and still couldn't get them on. I did finally get the vapor 40's on after a little struggle and WOW, it felt like my feet were in jail, ouch! In my experiences the U+ are most definitley wider and deeper, just MY experiences though as I'm sure others are different...

What size did you try on in the Vapors & One95? like EE in width?

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I recently tried on the Vapor 40's, One75's and One95's. All were size 9 EE. I don't have a very wide foot but big enough that a D width Bauer would never fit. I guess I also should mention that I currently wear Graf 709's, mostly to accomodate a high instep so my main issue is depth. The pencil test almost always fails for me.

I was very suprised by the room in the Vapor40's and One95. The One75 felt the smallest of the three. The LHS baked the One75 for me and that helped but it still felt very tight. One95 felt a little big. Not sure if baking would help or make matters worse. If I get a pair of Bauers, I think I'm leaning towards the Vapor40.

I didn't read the entire thread but if you can try on some grafs, do so before you make a purchase. With the variety of boots they offer, you should be able to find a very good fit.

Rustpot's post is spot on in what I look for in fit.

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