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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chicago Nightlife

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Myself and a few friends are flying out to Chicago for the weekend to see the Pens and Blackhawks. We were trying to find some decent clubs/bars to go to, I found some online, but real experiences are much better.

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  Grazstrom said:
The North Side is full of bars and pubs...
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Lincoln Ave Fullerton to Clark are all the sports bars / clubs where the just out of college crowd flock to. Lots of packed places all weekend. If your still that age/mentality you'll have fun there. If you in for the long haul there are a few 5am bars in the area. Katacomb, Gamekeepers are the ones i can think of off hand.

Wrigleyville - very similar to Lincoln Ave, but more of a mixed age crowds.

There are tons of places on the North side off the beaten path too, but generally they have an faux irish theme going. Easy to bar hop in these areas.

I liked Sheffield's in lakeview when I lived there. Better music than most places (more rock/indie) and some good specials there.

Hidden Shamrock - Diversey and Halsted - Yeah it's irish. Had some great nights there, also some lame ones, real hit or miss.

Delilah's - Lincoln and Diversey. Dirty little punk rock bar. Great music, cheaper beer, huge whiskey selection. It may be a hipster place by now though.

  Grazstrom said:
the clubs are in the downtown, River North, Gold Coast area.
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I could never afford to hang out in this area. Not my scene either. I have heard there are some hidden gems in the area though.

You could try the west loop near the United Center. I think that area is kind of pricey and bars a few and far between. DON'T go to the Billy Goat near the UC! You could park near Johnny's Ice House by the UC, grab a beer or two before the game and see the beer leagues play and walk down to the UC. It's a bit of a walk but nothing crazy.

I don't really know the clubs if that's what you're into.

  Grazstrom said:
Lots of good info here:


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