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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Molson Canadian "Boys to the Bigs"

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Just a heads up for those who are in Ontario and wanna catch this one hour documentary on Sportsnet Ontario re-airing at 8:00PM tonight.

taken from a site:

BOYS TO THE BIGS is a one-hour, special documentary on three of the most electrifying players in the NHL today. Alexander Ovechkin, Sidney Crosby and Eric Staal grew up in different parts of the world sharing the same love of hockey, but possessed unique paths in expressing that love. The best thing about this doc is seeing how they open up and tell their story. It also gives us an appreciation about how humbled and what great kids they are, even though they have this superstar status. It will give you a real understanding of what these three athletes went through to get to the NHL. Sure we all know what they are capable of doing on the ice, but what did they have to endure in order to be one of the greats?

Ontario - Mon. Feb. 23rd (9pm), Tues. Feb. 24th (2pm and 8pm)

East - Mon. Feb. 23rd (9pm), Wed. Feb. 25th (1pm)

West - Mon. Feb. 23rd (9pm), Sun. March 1st (3pm)

Pacific - Mon. Feb. 23rd (9pm), Fri. Feb. 27th (7pm)

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